Who produces the prints?

Our prints are museum quality and are produced by AgavePrint of Austin Tx.

How do I order a print?

To order a print, click on the painting under the “Available Prints” tab for a full description, then select from the substrate options (archival paper, loose canvas, or stretched canvas) and available sizes. NOTE: Uncle Joe watercolor prints are only available in archival paper.

Do you sell original artwork?

Yes. See the “Originals” tab for those currently available.

What is Loose Canvas?

Loose Canvas (also called Rolled Canvas) is simply canvas that has not been stretched.  It is easier to ship and generally cheaper to have it stretched by a professional framer locally.

What is Stretched Canvas?

Stretched Canvas is canvas that has been stretched and generally stapled on stretcher bars and ready to be framed.  Shipping is more costly due to the packaging needed to protect the print on the frame, as well as the added weight.

How is shipping handled?

  • We ship within the Contiguous United States.  Contact us for other shipping locations.  AgavePrint ships prints directly to you unless other arrangements are made. Garry ships originals directly from his studio unless other arrangements are made.

  • Loose canvas and paper prints are generally shipped in a tube

  • Stretched canvas prints are packed for protection during shipment.

What is the cost of shipping?

All originals and prints are priced with free shipping. 

How long will it take to get my order?

Turnaround time is 1-2 weeks.  Once your item ships, you will be provided tracking information.

How do I care for my print?

  • Prints on paper may be lightly dusted periodically if not framed behind glass

  • Originals and canvas prints should be dusted periodically and gently wiped with a damp cloth annually.